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The Real Superheroes: A Father's Day Story

The Real Superheroes: A Father's Day Story


Every day is Father’s Day. It is important that we take every opportunity to provide thanks and love to great fathers. It is important that we take time to speak on the significance of fatherhood, not only on special occasions, but every chance we get. The role of a father is needed. While there are many, many fathers who are fulfilling their roles, there are so many fathers who are attacked and destroyed because of their absence - leaving their child(ren) with disastrous consequences. In the plan of God, that is not the way it’s supposed to be. Whatever may be happening within the world and around us, we have a responsibility to step up to the plate and execute the role God has assigned to our hearts and hands to fulfill just as Maria’s father did. Today we honor fathers and thank God for HIS love, grace, mercy and wisdom in establishing a foundation for Christian families. With that, we should all be striving to honor the blueprint God designed. Then, and only then, can we have a nation under God and a society where all generations inherit the blessings of God’s favor.Find out how Maria's father represented her as one of the best fathers in the world.

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